This is the thirteenth week...Hooray! Just one week to go. Haha... Should i say hooray or should i feel sad to wave goodbye to this semester?? Hmmm... Dunno. Lots of works to do. Sleepless nights, restless mind. Can't think well. Huhu.
OK. Today we have submitted...how many tasks? Wait, do the counting for a while. 1, 2, 3 & 4. Yes, 4 tasks submitted. Fuhhh!!!What a relieved! (Not really. there's more works waiting, handing in these works didn't affect anything.) What were they?
1) Module 2 (photo editing)
2) Individual work, hardcopy + softcopy (task 1)
3) Pair work, e-book, hardcopy + softcopy (task 2)
4) Group work, lesson plans, hardcopy + sofcopy (task 3)
Talking about the tasks, it was a good exercise to practice what we have learned in the module. I personally learned a lot about photo editing while doing the tasks rather than doing the module itself. It's very true. Doing the module, we just followed the steps shown and producing exactly the same things except for the used stuffs like pictures, we may use our own pictures, but it's the result of copying the same steps. Differ from the tasks where we totally produced something using our own creativity and effort. Although software such as photoshop was very difficult for me, with motivation and determination, i tried and tried and explored many things that i managed to use it eventually. Congrats!! haha
What else? Owh, Module 4: Video Editing. For this module another softwares being introduced:
• Any Video Converter• BS player• Cyberlink PowerDVD• FLV to AVI Converter• Free Studio• HJ-Split• Image Grab• Power Video Cutter• Prism Video Converter• Real Player• Riva FLV Encoder• SID Video Cutter & Splitter• VCD Cutter• Windows Media Player• Online Downloader
WOW!! So many softawres to be used. Means more knowledge to gain and more skills to be acquired. I like. Walking out from UM with so much knowledge and skills in technology things. I like. Aha, the task! We were asked to create storyboard for our video editing task. Pn. Foziah took a look at every pair's work. Comments offered. Yeah, for the improvement. Thank You Pn. Foziah. Will work on it soon.
OK. Time to say GOODBYE>>>