Sunday, October 10, 2010


Eight week... any important stories to be shared? Hmmm... Submission of Module 1(Fuh!!! Finally, I made it!) Ready for the next Module? NO...I dun think so. Please let me breathe for a while... HAHA Ready or Not, You should be ready. Here it come the Module 3 (Module 3?? 1 always followed by number 2 right, by this time it's quite different, after handing in our first module, we won't be getting the second module but the third one. (S.K.I.P-skip)

This was our "DUIT RAYA" to be brought along with us during the RAYA BREAK. Wow, interesting. (but, i'll make sure that this task will be completed earlier so that i won't need to take it along with me to my hometown in celebrating this meaningful festival. Isn't it a good intrinsic motivation? haha..)Set up my goal: Get it done before holiday, keep it save and sound on the shelves then enjoy eating rendang, ketupat, laksa without anything to be worried about. YES!!! OK, leave the RAYA things and get back to our business.

Talking about module 3, what's the contents actually? It's all about AUDIO EDITING. Have you heard about AUDACITY, MUSIC EDITOR, KARAOKE ANYTHING, SONY VEGAS? They are part of audio softwares that we'll need to download in completing this module. Quite interesting. Never used these before (actually didn't even hear about them except audacity. hahaha.) So, this was the chance to explore new things and try using them for our own good.

Let's talk about the task... It involve:
cut and paste audio
changing the pitch3D note 2 - Click image to download.
increasing and decreasing music tempo
changing speed
converting audio file
removing noise from audio
saving and uploading
Line of music - Click image to download.

Those are parts of the things to be done. We got another tasks to be completed after done with these tutorials. Let's take a look at it:

Teaching aids-
collect as many teaching aids as possible for selected topic for Year 1-6 (both technology and non-technology based materials)

Lesson plan
3 single period and one double period lesson

That's all about the module and the tasks...Hope able to settle everything ASAP.

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